Stray cats choosing a person can have different meanings to different people, and may be interpreted as a spiritual sign or message. When a stray cat chooses you, have you wondered whether it has any spiritual meaning? Some people believe that a stray cat choosing them is a sign of good luck or that the cat is a spirit guide sent to offer guidance and protection. Others believe it may be a sign of a new chapter in life, or that the cat has chosen them for a specific reason. It is important to remember that each person’s interpretation of a stray cat choosing them can be different, and there is no one definitive answer.

Have you ever found yourself being followed by a stray cat for no reason? Or, have you seen a cat show up and meow at your doorstep and wondered what its spiritual meaning could be? What does it mean when a stray cat comes to your house? Well, not only weddings but many human-to-animal relationships are also made in heaven, so to say. When a stray cat chooses you spiritual meaning has many levels.

Well, the answer lies in the karmic relationship of past life. While we were doing some research to write this blog, we found a whole lot of content on the internet that is just beating around the bush and giving random reasons as to why a stray cat chooses you or what it means when a stray cat comes to your house.

When a stray cat chooses you - Spiritual Meaning
Stary cat sitting on a wall

The Cowherd however relies on Eastern Indian wisdom, the theory of Karma, and past life to give you the most accurate reason as to why a stray cat likes you. This blog has the following sections:

  1. What does it mean when stray cats come to you?
  2. 10 Signs a stray cat likes you
  3. What does it mean when a stray cat comes to your house? [When a stray cat chooses you spiritual meaning]
  4. Stray cat meowing at my door – spiritual meaning
  5. Stray cat staring at me – spiritual meaning
  6. What does it mean when a stray cat follows you spiritually? [When a stray cat chooses you spiritual meaning]
  7. What is the spiritual significance of cats?
  8. When a kitten chooses you – Spiritual Meaning
    1. When a stray cat chooses you spiritual meaning
  9. What does it mean when a cat shows up at your door – Spiritual Meaning

What does it mean when stray cats come to you?

What does it mean when stray cats come to you?

Cats are so lovely. And if a stray cat happens to come to you and meows at you, you’ll be in cloud nine. You’ll experience a huge sense of happiness and joy. Sometimes you even feel as if you’ve already known this cat. This is because this is a union of two souls which have some karmic balance from their past life.

Certain individuals blame the felines for being unapproachable, yet we accept they are only specific about how they show their love and to whom. In a multi-human family, it appears to be that felines will pick one person they need to invest a greater amount of their energy with. The cat would find only that person attractive because it intuitively has some familiarity with the persona of that member in the family.

Individuals who interact with the cat by getting to know its signs and intentions are more alluring to their feline associates. Like any other relationship, affection and compassion are the bedrock of making a strong bond.

Over thousands of years of companionship with humans and domesticated animals, the cat has been able to become domesticated. It is also believed that the person who keeps the cat will be loved by the cat as if it were their own mother. Likewise, cats have been found to live as long as they did when they were young, even when they were older.

Although cats generally get along very well, there are many cats that do not get along well with humans. Older cats are seen to be impatient with small cats and sometimes attack them by scratching and biting them.

We often find a cat meowing at our door. We would not even have seen that cat in the vicinity before. It would seem as if it likes you. It would do cute gestures like arching its body and rubbing its body against things like furniture, stair case etc. It would not get scared even if you try to chase it away. These are signs that a cat likes you. But does it means that the stray cat chooses you and it has a spiritual meaning? Well, sometimes yes. When a stray cat chooses you spiritual meaning is mostly there. You can validate this when you intuitively feel that, this cat is not running away, although you’ve tried to chase it enough. It’s not like other cats and has something special. Well, these are the signs that the cat likes you and it really has a spiritual meaning.


Cats are amazing living beings that anyone would love. Owning a cat can be an extremely fulfilling activity. Spending time with cats can calm our nervous system and provide an instant outlet for our craving for fun and play. Cats are very loving towards their owners and the people they trust.

There are several stray cats in the town and so are several people. But why you would wonder why is this cat appearing so special to me? Even I’ve felt at many points in time special bonds with various animals like cats, elephants, crows, pigeons, etc. You never know which animal has a connection with you. Some bonds last for a while; some last forever.

Here’s a picture of a cat and her kitten that randomly came to our doorstep one day.

You often feel very familiar with a new place that you’ve never been to before. This could also be a past life connection. Likewise, when we feel that a stray cat is choosing you, it is not just random but has a likely spiritual meaning.

In Hindu mythology, cats are associated with the deity Shashthi, who is known as the goddess of fertility and childbirth. According to legend, Shashthi had the ability to take the form of a cat, and she was often depicted with a cat’s head. In Hinduism, cats are generally seen as symbolizing grace, elegance, and mystery.

10 Signs a stray cat likes you

Here are some signs a stray cat may like you based on stories from Hindu texts and they also shed light on the spiritual meaning of a stray cat choosing you:

  1. Following you: If a stray cat is following you, it may be a sign that it likes you and wants to be near you.
  2. Purring: Cats often purr when they are content and happy, so if a stray cat is purring while near you, it may be a sign that it likes you.
  3. Bringing you gifts: In Hindu mythology, cats were associated with the goddess Shashthi, who was known for bringing gifts to mothers and their newborns. If a stray cat is bringing you gifts, such as mice or birds, it could be a sign that it likes you and wants to show its appreciation.
  4. Kneading: Cats knead with their paws to show affection and happiness, so if a stray cat is kneading near you, it may be a sign that it likes you.
  5. Rubbing against you: Cats often rub against people or objects to mark them with their scent and show affection. If a stray cat is rubbing against you, it may be a sign that it likes you.
  6. Slow blinking: Slow blinking is a sign of trust and affection in cats, so if a stray cat is slow blinking at you, it may be a sign that it likes you.
  7. Bringing you food: If a stray cat is bringing you food, such as mice or birds, it could be a sign that it likes you and wants to share its resources with you.
  8. Sitting on your lap: If a stray cat is comfortable enough to sit on your lap, it may be a sign that it likes you and trusts you.
  9. Licking you: Cats often lick people or objects to show affection and grooming behavior, so if a stray cat is licking you, it may be a sign that it likes you.
  10. Following you home: If a stray cat is following you home, it could be a sign that it likes you and wants to be with you.

It is important to remember that each cat is unique and may display different signs of affection, so it is best to observe the cat’s behavior and use your intuition to determine if it likes you.

What does it mean when a stray cat comes to your house? [When a stray cat chooses you spiritual meaning]

In some spiritual belief systems, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, the concept of karma holds that the actions of individuals in their past lives can affect their current and future lives. Therefore, the appearance of a stray cat at your house could be seen as a result of past actions or karmic influences.

In this context, the arrival of a stray cat could be interpreted as a sign of new opportunities or a fresh start. The cat could represent a new beginning or a change in your life, and its presence could indicate that it is time to start a new journey or make a change.

It is also believed that animals, including cats, have their own past lives and karmic paths, and they may choose to cross paths with individuals who they have a strong connection with in their past lives. In this way, the appearance of a stray cat at your house could be seen as a sign of a deeper spiritual connection between you and the cat.

Additionally, in some belief systems, animals are believed to possess spiritual abilities, and they may be seen as messengers or guides from the spiritual realm. The appearance of a stray cat at your house could be interpreted as a sign of guidance or protection, and it could be a message from the universe to pay attention to your spiritual path.

Ultimately, the meaning and interpretation of a stray cat appearing at your house will depend on your personal beliefs and experiences. Some people may view it as a simple coincidence, while others may see it as a spiritual sign or message.

Stray cat meowing at my door – spiritual meaning

Here are five potential spiritual meanings for a stray cat meowing at your door in the Western world:

  1. Good luck: In some cultures in Europe, having a stray cat meow at your door is seen as a sign of good luck and prosperity.
  2. Protection: Cats are often associated with mystery and magic in the Western world, and a stray cat meowing at your door could symbolize that you are being offered protection from negativity and harm.
  3. Curiosity: Cats are naturally curious creatures, and a stray cat meowing at your door could simply be due to its interest in what you are doing or what is inside your home.
  4. Affection: If a stray cat is meowing at your door, it could be a sign that it likes you and wants to be near you.
  5. Message from the universe: Some people believe that stray cats meowing at doors are messengers from the universe, communicating messages or guidance to the person who answers the door.

Stray cat staring at me – spiritual meaning

In Hindu mythology, cats are associated with the deity Shashthi, who is known as the goddess of fertility and childbirth. According to legend, Shashthi had the ability to take the form of a cat, and she was often depicted with a cat’s head.

In the Ramayana and Mahabharata, cats are not mentioned as having any specific spiritual meaning. However, in Hinduism, animals, including cats, are often seen as having spiritual abilities and connections to the divine. They may be seen as messengers or guides from the spiritual realm, and their presence can be interpreted as a sign of guidance or protection.

In this context, if a stray cat is staring at you, it could be interpreted as a sign that the universe is trying to send you a message or guide you in some way. The cat’s gaze could be a reminder to pay attention to your spiritual path and be mindful of the choices and actions you take.

It is also possible that the cat is simply attracted to you because it senses that you are kind and compassionate, and it wants to receive your attention and affection. In this case, the spiritual meaning of the cat’s gaze may be less significant, and it could simply be a sign of the cat’s fondness for you.

Ultimately, the spiritual meaning of a stray cat staring at you will depend on your own beliefs, experiences, and interpretation of the situation.

What does it mean when a stray cat follows you spiritually? [When a stray cat chooses you spiritual meaning]

The concept of past life and rebirth is a key part of belief systems throughout history around the world. All ancient eastern religions believe in past life and rebirth. Animals in this life could have been humans in their past lives. Even we could be born as animals in our next life. The concept of past lives is based on the idea that we have a subtle soul or essence that moves from one physical body to another over multiple lifetimes.

It’s said that if we think of an animal while dying, we would be born as that animal in our next life. This is the reason why animals of lower form are not encouraged as pets in the Indian tradition because we are likely to get attached to them and be born in that form. There are stories from the Indian mythology that talk about how even great sages were born as animals because of their uncontrollable attachment towards animals like deer in the forest.

When a stray cat choose you - there's a spiritual meaning
This stray cat happened to come to our house as and when I was writing this blog post

When you find a cat following you, apparently for no reason, it means that the cat is able to sense the past life relationship with you intuitively. If there are any karmic balances left, the two of you could settle it out in this birth. Thus, the stray cat choosing you is to settle the karmic balance and it’s not a coincidence.

When a stray cat chooses you - Spiritual Meaning
A cat sitting on tree-top

What is the spiritual significance of cats?

Cats as such do not have much spiritual significance in the Eastern cultures. However, the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats. The Egyptians considered cats not only beautiful, but also magical creatures that bring happiness to the family. The Egyptians adorned cats with jewels and were important members of the family.


When a kitten chooses you – Spiritual Meaning

When a stray cat chooses you spiritual meaning

Here are five potential spiritual meanings for a kitten choosing you:

  1. Good luck: In some cultures, having a kitten choose you is seen as a sign of good luck and prosperity.
  2. Protection: Kittens are often seen as innocent and vulnerable, and being chosen by one could symbolize that you are being offered protection and guidance.
  3. Affection: If a kitten chooses you, it could be a sign that it likes you and wants to be near you.
  4. Past life connection: Some believe that animals, including kittens, can remember past life connections with people. If a kitten chooses you, it could be due to a past life connection that it is trying to reestablish in this life.
  5. Spiritual guidance: Kittens are often associated with playfulness and innocence, and being chosen by one could symbolize that you are being offered spiritual guidance and a reminder to embrace your inner child.

What does it mean when a cat shows up at your door – Spiritual Meaning

Cats are adorable animals that anybody would love to have as pets. What more can you ask for if a cat comes to you by itself? Most of us have such experiences in our life, in which we find some strange feeling or relationship with a totally strange animal or person.


What does it spiritually mean when a stray cat chooses you? You would feel extremely joyous, happy and delighted. You would feel as if your whole life revolves around the cat. You’d feel like giving it a name. You feel super excited when it responds to your call. You’ll click its pictures, take its videos and feel happy about everything it does. When a stray cat comes to your house and becomes a family member so easily, it for sure is a spiritual reunion of two souls which have had some connection in some past life. Thus not only a stray cat, but any animal that you come across in your life has a spiritual meaning.

Once a stray cat, see how she’s drinking milk at my house.. She’s pregnant now!

And when the karmic transaction is complete, you would often observe, that the cat suddenly disappears from your life. Same is true for humans also. So, it is advisable in the long run, to not pay much attention to these and not get emotionally bonded.

The spiritual meaning of a stray cat choosing you can be a powerful and profound experience. Many people believe that animals, particularly cats, have the ability to sense and connect with our deepest emotions and spiritual needs. When a stray cat chooses you, it may be a sign that you are in need of comfort, love, and healing.

In many cultures, cats are believed to be powerful symbols of intuition and spiritual awareness. They are often associated with the goddesses of ancient civilizations, and were revered for their ability to connect with the spiritual realm. In ancient Egypt, cats were considered sacred and were associated with the goddess Bastet, who was the protector of the home and the embodiment of fertility, motherhood, and joy.

When a stray cat chooses you, it may be a sign that you are in need of emotional support and healing. Cats are known for their ability to sense and respond to our emotions, and their presence can be incredibly comforting and soothing. They can provide a sense of security and love that can help to ease feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Additionally, a stray cat choosing you may also be a sign that you are in need of spiritual guidance and direction. Cats are known for their mysterious and enigmatic nature, and their presence can be a powerful reminder to stay connected to our inner wisdom and intuition. They can help us to tap into our own inner knowing and to trust our own instincts.

In conclusion, the spiritual meaning of a stray cat choosing you can be a powerful and profound experience. It may be a sign that you are in need of emotional support and healing or spiritual guidance and direction. Embrace the presence of a stray cat, and allow it to guide you on your spiritual journey.

Here’s a video from AnimalWised that explains how cats choose their human.

Continue reading. Are you spiritual but not religious?

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  1. […] Here’s an interesting article on the spiritual meaning of a stray cat choosing you. […]



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